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Doctors & Staff

Star Vision Center Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Star Vision Center the leading provider of vision care products and services in Caro.

Carol Starling, O.D.

Dr. Carol Laethem Starling was born and raised in Fairgrove, Michigan. She graduated from Akron-Fairgrove High School, attended Ferris State College for her undergraduate studies and then graduated from the Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University in 1985. She opened Star Vision Center on June 1st 1993 and it has been a blessing ever since. One of the most fulfilling aspects of Star Vision Center has been enjoying seeing patients year after year, watching them grow up and begin their own families – a new generation of Star Vision Center patients!

In her free time, Dr. Starling enjoys spending time with her husband, Lee, and their four children: Steven, Claire, Ann, and Jack. Dr. Starling is an expert in difficult refractions to provide clear and comfortable relief to eye strain. She loves fitting contact lenses, including challenging prescriptions and multifocal lenses. Dr. Starling is a long time member of the Caro Rotary Club, Michigan Optometric Association, and the American Optometric Association. In 2019 Dr. Starling welcomed her daughter, Dr. Claire, to the practice and has enjoyed expanding available services and depth of care to all of their patients.

Claire Starling, O.D.

Dr. Claire graduated from Caro High School in 2009 and then chose to pursue her undergraduate studies in the Honors Program at Ferris State University with a major in Pre-Optometry. She later attended the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago, Illinois where she was able to train in one of the most diverse clinical programs in the country, and graduated in 2019. Dr. Claire had advanced training in peri-operative cataract care, anterior segment disease, dry eye management, diabetic eye disease and specialty contact lenses.

Dr. Claire has always admired her mother’s ability to make each patient feel appreciated and cared for, and feels so lucky to be able to practice with her role model, mother and friend. Dr. Claire remains committed to advancing her knowledge of optometry and keeping current with evolving technologies and techniques to serve her patients at the highest level of care.